
Electrical/Transformer Oil Analysis

Our Electrical oil analysis tests your transformers, tap changers and switch gears. With suites to match both your requirements and budget combined with fast turnarounds as standard and the experience of the people who first brought Ron Rogers of Rogers ratios into the industry.

SKU: ElectricalTransformers Category:


Our Electrical oil analysis helps bring you complete confidence in the condition of your high voltage equipment including transformers, tap changers and switch gears so you can focus on what matters. You have a few choices of suite depending on your requirements. Read on for what’s included below. With our analysis, you have the experience you can trust with our founders having brought Ron Rogers of the rogers ratios dissolved gas analysis into the oil analysis industry that kick-started electrical oil analysis.

What you will notice is much of the testing normally considered paid or optional extras by other labs are actually as standard with our analysis, together with a few exclusive tests only available with us. Why? We work on what gives the best test suite to make an accurate electrical system diagnosis and we invest in the lab equipment and experience required to deliver this at every test suite level.

Fluid Condition Analysis includes:

This is ideal for Tapchangers where the dissolved gas is less significant than potential contacts wearing. Also ideal for new oil assessment for quality control purposes for manufacturers .

  • Dielectric Breakdown Voltage
  • Water / moisture content
  • Acidity
  • Appearance – Sediment, Fibres and particles
  • ISO4406 laser particle count (A paid extra with other labs)
  • Gravimetric insolubles (A paid extra with other labs)
  • Viscosity (A paid extra with other labs)
  • Oxidation (A paid extra with other labs)
  • Sulphur content (A paid extra with other labs)
  • ASTM Colour (A paid extra with other labs)
  • LubeWear Electrical wear check (Exclusive test only available to OAL)

Fluid & DGA Analysis Includes:

This is ideal for regular transformer condition monitoring and includes return collection of samples  

  • All the Above
  • Dissolved Gas Analysis
  • Total Combustible Gas
  • Total Dissolved Gas
  • Rogers Ratios
  • Duval Triangles
  • Duval Pentagons
  • IEC Ratios
  • IEEE Ratings
  • TransDGA test (exclusive to OAL diagnostic method for more accurate fault identification)
  • Express Courier collection (a paid extra with other labs) with our specialist courier collection service for your samples called LubeWear swift. It comes with a concierge dedicated telephone booking line and out of hours online website booking option.

Fluid & DGA & Paper includes:

If you want a good suite that covers the oil, electrical system and the paper then this is the suite for you. This covers 99% of the faults you will likely encounter with this suite  

  • All the Above
  • Furanic compounds
  • Estimated Degree of polymerisation

Total Electrical Assessment includes:

If you really care about the nitty gritty and details of how your oil and transformers performs under every condition this is the suite for you. No kitchen sink chucked in here, but it certainly involves every detail you can imagine on the condition of your transformer, oil, paper and much much more . You will likely find this suite not only matches but far exceeds anything else you will find on even the premium suites or other labs .

  • All the above
  • Interfacial Tension
  • Myers Index / QALY number.
  • Dielectric Dissipation Factor / Tan delta / Power Factor
  • Resistivity
  • Closed Flash Point

Waste Disposal

If you have a transformer that has not previously had confirmation of no detectable PCB content or your transformer is pre-2000 and/or requires PCB analysis for waste disposal then our Waste disposal suite will suit you with full elemental analysis including chlorinated products such as PCB will be performed so you can decide on the best waste route to take.



Additional information

Weight N/A
Suite Type

Fluid Condition, Fluid & DGA, Fluid & DGA & Paper, Total Electrical Assessment, Waste Disposal