Advisory, Investigative and Post Failure Analysis
We know how our customers put a lot of trust in us to help them keep their machinery running. This unique relationship we have with our customers means we take seriously the task of helping them. When we thought about how we could design our services we didn’t just want to make another analysis service; we wanted to make a much better service!
Our FilterTests and advice services are the result of such an approach to truly answer our customers questions, meaning each set of analysis is so unique there is not another report like it. With remarkable precision and highly sophisticated processes FilterTests allows you to supercharge your oil analysis programme and get to the root cause of a problem.
Never before have we designed a service with such extraordinary wealth of benefits it can bring to our customers businesses, whilst being so tailored and bespoke to our clients needs.
Cause of machine failure, ferrographic, substance identification and investigational analysis
Go beyond ordinary oil analysis and delve deep into the true failure mechanisms of your machinery. This analysis will not just identify high iron, but can identify the type as corrosion, fatigue, cutting or sliding wear. Each report is uniquely designed not with a typical suite, but with a bespoke set of tests to identify your question.Login to BuyYour questions may include:
- Why has this machine failed?
- Why has my filter blocked?
- What is this material I am finding in my lube system?
- Are these two materials the same?
One day Site Survey / Consultation
Sometimes sending off a sample for analysis is not enough. A problem may have been highlighted but only by having an oil and fluid analysis expert on site can you truly begin to get to the root of the problem.Login to Buy