Lone Worker Policy for Oil Analysis Laboratories

Policy Statement

The Lone Worker Policy aims to ensure the safety and well-being of employees who are required to work alone in the lab at Oil Analysis Laboratories. This policy outlines the procedures and safety measures to be followed when working without direct supervision.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and interns working alone at Oil Analysis Laboratories.


  1. To ensure the safety and well-being of staff working alone.
  2. To establish clear guidelines for lone working conditions.
  3. To maintain the integrity and reputation of Oil Analysis Laboratories.


Risk Assessment
  • Identification: Identify tasks that may require lone working and assess the associated risks.
  • Mitigation: Implement safety measures to mitigate identified risks, such as help devices.
  • Check-In/Check-Out: Lone workers must inform a designated contact when starting and finishing their lone work shift and once every 4 hours if longer than 4 hours.
  • Emergency Contacts: Maintain a list of emergency contacts easily accessible to the lone worker. These are to be preloaded into each lone workers mobile, which must be fully charged at the start of the shift and chargers be available throughout the building (e.g. Upstairs office, downstairs reception) to charge should it be required.
  • Emergency check-in intercom: In the upstairs main office and in the back lab there are intercom facilities where tapping and saying “intercom” followed by your message and message will be distributed to all intercoms and remote lab management of your situation. The fire alarm or burglar alarm triggering will also send a live audio feed of the building to all those on the same as well.
Safety Measures

  • CCTV Monitoring: Ensure that areas, where lone working occurs, are covered by CCTV cameras for added security.
  • Locked door: for additional safety the lone worker may choose to lock the door from the inside, but the key should be left near the door to open the door in an emergency where the emergency exit is blocked, but never in the door so that should you require assistance the lab may be entered by emergency personnel quickly to assist you.
Training and Awareness
  • Safety Training: Conduct specific training sessions on lone worker safety, including how to use alarms, fire marshall training and emergency procedures.
  • Resource Availability: Make sure that lone workers are aware of all available safety resources and how to access them.

By adhering to this Lone Worker Policy, Oil Analysis Laboratories aims to ensure the safety and well-being of staff working alone, while also maintaining a secure and efficient work environment.

Policy last issued and owned by Mr. Cutler 20 November 2024. The latest version can always be found at oilanalysislab.com. Any other versions, including paper copies, are to be treated as uncontrolled.