We are constantly innovating to improve safety and reduce our environental impact.

Oil Analysis Laboratories believes that the world is increasingly changing in its ethical values towards environmental impact and safety, meaning the laboratory environents of the future will have to be safer and greener than ever imagined today. To keep up with this rapid change in the future, we believe the only way is to lead from the front, making changes to our business for tomorrow, today.

We Aim to…

  • To provide a safe and healthy working environment for our staff and customers.
  • Ensure that our services and operations have minimal impact on the environment and help our customers reduce their environmental impact too.

Our commitment to our customers and employees is to…

  • Protect the safety of our customers and employees at our lab.
  • Protect the environment and communities around us by preventing pollution and finding innovative ways to reduce our impact.
  • Comply with HSE guidelines, general good laboratory practice principles and legal regulations. Where possible we strive to not only meet but exceed these levels of safety and environmental responsibilities.
  • Encourage a culture that constantly strives to find ways to do things safer. We want our staff to feel empowered to challenge what we do if they can see it could be safer. We hence allow for anonymous reporting of safety concerns to top level management by any employee.
  • Ensure our staff get the support they need when first learning to perform a new task. We realise many workplace accidents are down to inadequate training, and our commitment is to ensure each employee receives a rigourous and thorough training programme to give them the confidence to work safely and effectively each and every day.
  • Continuously improve our working practices to achieve our goals of zero accidents.

We are already working towards these aims and commitments by…

  • Motion sensitive lighting to reduce our electricity usage.
  • Only using the minimum volumes required for each test, hence, reducing sample wastage. This means we can work with smaller bottles meaning less oil is taken out of machinery that needs replacing, less fuel is required in transporting the samples and less plastic is needed to hold the sample.
  • Our solvent wastage reduction programme has already reduced our solvent consumption dramatically.
  • We have introduced reuse of certain plastics, which is even greener than recycling them.
  • All our client training programmes cover how to sample safely and have a safety first approach.
  • Zero tolerance to safety procedure violations and annoymous whistleblowing options for staff when required.
  • Minimal paper usage and the use of electronic submission and data transfer for all aspects of our business. Our reporting is all electronic so clients never need print a report again reducing not only ours, but our customers impact too.
  • Highlighting in our report diagnoses where there are not only cost saving, but environmental impact reduction opportunities too. This promotes greener operations in not only ours, but our customers businesses too.

But we always are striving to do better…

That is why, the aims and commitments regarding safety and the environment are the responsibility of every member of the Oil Analysis Laboatories team both collectively and as individuals. Together we can bring about a cleaner and safer future. The management team of Oil Analysis Lavoratories is responsible for encouraging a culture of high safety and environmental awareness at every level of the organisation as well as ensuring compliance with this policy.

Want further details?

Review our Environmental Management Policy here.

Policy last issued and owned by Mr. Cutler 5 December 2024. The latest version can always be found at oilanalysislab.com. Any other versions, including paper copies, are to be treated as uncontrolled.