The purpose of this Waste Management Policy is to provide guidelines for the responsible handling, storage, and disposal of waste produced by Oil Analysis Laboratories. This policy is designed to minimize the environmental impact of our waste, comply with all relevant legislation, and promote a culture of sustainability within our organisation.
This policy applies to all forms of waste produced by Oil Analysis Laboratories, including general waste, recyclable materials, and hazardous waste.
All employees and contractors are responsible for following this policy. Managers and supervisors have additional responsibilities for implementing this policy, providing appropriate training, and enforcing waste management practices.
Minimizing Waste
- We aim to minimize the generation of waste wherever possible. This includes making efficient use of materials, promoting recycling, and selecting suppliers based on their commitment to reducing waste.
- Employees are encouraged to identify opportunities for waste reduction and to suggest improvements to our waste management practices.
Handling and Storage of Waste
- Waste must be handled and stored in a way that prevents harm to the environment, our employees, and the public.
- Waste must be segregated according to its type. Separate bins will be provided for general waste, recyclable materials, and different types of hazardous waste.
Disposal of Waste
- All waste must be disposed of responsibly and in compliance with local regulations.
- General waste and recyclable materials will be collected by a licensed waste management company.
- Hazardous waste, including chemical waste, must be disposed of according to our Chemical Safety and Hazardous Material Handling Policy using licensed waste management companies.
- All employees will receive training on this policy and our waste management practices.
- Training will cover the correct segregation of waste, handling and storage procedures, and emergency procedures for dealing with waste spills or exposures.