The purpose of this Risk, Preventive and Corrective Actions Policy is to ensure that Oil Analysis Laboratories systematically identifies, evaluates, and manages risks, and effectively implements preventive and corrective actions. This policy contributes to the continuous improvement of our operations and the quality of our work.
This policy applies to all activities and processes within Oil Analysis Laboratories that could present risks or require preventive or corrective actions.
All employees and contractors are responsible for identifying potential risks and non-conformances, and for participating in the implementation of preventive and corrective actions. Managers and supervisors have additional responsibilities for risk assessment, the development of preventive and corrective actions, and the monitoring of their effectiveness.
Risk Management
- Risks are identified and evaluated on a regular basis through methods such as hazard identification, risk assessments, incident reports, and audits.
- Each identified risk is evaluated based on its potential impact and likelihood. This evaluation informs the development of risk mitigation strategies and controls.
- Risks can include safety, environmental or quality risks as well as risk of dissatisfied customers or loss of business.
Preventive Actions
- Preventive actions are proactive measures designed to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of potential non-conformances and risks.
- These actions may include changes to procedures or processes, provision of additional training, improvements to equipment or facilities, or changes to supervision or monitoring processes.
Corrective Actions
- Corrective actions are reactive measures taken in response to identified non-conformances or incidents.
- The process for corrective actions includes identifying the root cause of the non-conformance, developing and implementing a corrective action plan, and monitoring the effectiveness of the corrective action.
Monitoring and Review
- The effectiveness of preventive and corrective actions is monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure they are achieving their intended results.
- Lessons learned from the implementation of preventive and corrective actions are used to inform future risk management and process improvement activities.
Training and Awareness
- All employees will receive training on this policy, our approach to risk management, and our preventive and corrective action processes.
- We will promote a culture of proactive risk management and continuous improvement among our employees through regular communication, reminders, and incentives.