Health and safety focussed culture policy

At Oil Analysis Laboratories, we are committed to the health and safety of our employees, clients, and visitors. This commitment is integral to our business operations and underpins our core values. We strive to maintain an environment that is not only safe but fosters the well-being of each individual.

This policy details our approach to managing health and safety risks, promoting a culture of safety, and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

1. Leadership and Worker Participation

The commitment and active involvement of all levels of management and employees are key to the success of our safety program.

Our leadership will actively promote a positive health and safety culture by participating in safety meetings, endorsing in-house safety training programs and continuous professional development, and being visibly involved in the implementation of safety procedures.

2. Context of the Organization and Planning

Understanding our organisation and its context is essential in planning and implementing effective safety measures.

  • We will conduct a comprehensive analysis of our organisation’s operations, identifying all potential risks related to our specific laboratory setting, such as chemical exposure, fire hazards, equipment malfunction, or slips, trips, and falls.
  • We will establish safety objectives and targets, which will be reviewed and updated regularly or whenever significant changes occur in our operations. This includes specific targets for reducing incidents related to the handling and disposal of oil samples and laboratory chemicals.

3. Support

Supporting our safety program means providing the necessary resources, developing competencies, and fostering awareness.

  • We will ensure all employees receive comprehensive training on laboratory safety protocols, including the safe handling of oil samples, use of laboratory equipment, emergency procedures, and the use of personal protective equipment.
  • We will communicate regularly about safety performance, upcoming trainings, changes to procedures, and other safety-related issues through various channels such as safety meetings, email updates, and internal communication forums.

4. Operation

The safe operation of our laboratory is of utmost importance.

  • We will implement procedures for the safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous substances, including oil samples and laboratory chemicals. This includes providing appropriate storage facilities, ensuring clear labelling of substances, and training employees on proper disposal methods.
  • We will maintain a rigorous equipment maintenance schedule to ensure all laboratory equipment is safe and fit for use.
  • Emergency response procedures will be put in place, including evacuation plans, first aid procedures, and reporting mechanisms.

5. Performance Evaluation

Regular evaluation of our safety performance is crucial for continual improvement.

  • We will monitor and measure our safety performance through key performance indicators such as incident rates, near misses and training completion rates.
  • Incident investigations will be conducted thoroughly, with the aim of identifying root causes and preventing recurrence.

6. Improvement

We strive for continual improvement in our safety performance.

  • We will use findings from our performance evaluations to drive improvement actions. This includes conducting regular reviews of our safety policy and procedures to ensure they remain effective and relevant.
  • We will ensure all corrective actions are implemented in a timely manner and are effective in preventing recurrence of incidents.

7. Compliance

Compliance with legal and other requirements is a fundamental aspect of our safety program.

We will maintain up-to-date knowledge of applicable health and safety regulations and standards, including those specific to laboratory environments. This includes regulations related to chemical safety, waste disposal, and equipment safety.

  • We will ensure all employees are aware of their legal and ethical responsibilities when it comes to health and safety. Regular training will be provided to ensure this understanding is kept up-to-date.
  • We will communicate our health and safety requirements to all interested parties, including contractors, suppliers, and clients.

In conclusion, at Oil Analysis Laboratories, the health and safety of everyone involved in our operations is paramount. We believe in fostering a culture of safety where each individual has an active role to play. We encourage all employees to take personal responsibility for their own safety and that of their colleagues and visitors, to report any unsafe conditions, and to participate fully in our safety programs.

Policy last issued and owned by Mr. Cutler 23/5/2023. Latest version can always be found at Any other versions including paper copies are to be treated as uncontrolled.