This guidance document outlines the Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) that all staff and visitors at Oil Analysis Laboratories are expected to follow. GLPs are essential for maintaining a safe and efficient laboratory environment, ensuring the integrity of our work, and complying with regulatory requirements.
General Conduct
- Be familiar with and follow all laboratory policies and procedures, including our health and safety policy, chemical safety policy, and equipment safety policy.
- Always wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as lab clothing, gloves, and safety glasses.
- Eating, drinking, applying cosmetics, and storing food or drink are prohibited in the laboratory.
- Always wash your hands after handling any chemicals or samples and before leaving the laboratory.
Working with Chemicals
- Always read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before working with a new chemical.
- Never use a chemical unless you have been trained in its safe handling and know how to respond to a spill or exposure.
- Always store chemicals properly according to their compatibility groups and dispose of chemical waste according to our Chemical Safety and Hazardous Material Handling Policy.
Using Equipment
- Never use equipment unless you have been trained in its safe operation and are aware of any potential hazards.
- Always check equipment for any signs of damage or malfunction before using it and report any issues to a supervisor.
- Follow our Laboratory Equipment Safety Policy for the maintenance and inspection of equipment.
- Keep your work area clean and tidy. Clean up spills immediately and dispose of waste properly.
- Keep aisles, exits, and access to safety equipment clear at all times.
- Store all materials and equipment properly when they are not in use.
Data Integrity
- Record all data accurately and promptly. Do not alter any data.
- Always use the correct units and significant figures when recording data.
- Store all data securely to maintain its integrity and confidentiality.
Emergency Procedures
- Be familiar with the location of all safety equipment, including fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and emergency showers and eyewash stations.
- Know the evacuation routes and assembly points for your area.
- Follow our Emergency Response and Preparedness Policy in the event of an emergency.
Remember, good laboratory practices are everyone’s responsibility. We all have a part to play in maintaining a safe and productive laboratory environment. If you have any questions or concerns about these practices, please speak to the laboratory management team.