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Diagnostics Training Policy

Diagnostics Training Policy for Oil Analysis Laboratories

Policy Statement

The Diagnostics Training Policy aims to ensure that all employees at Oil Analysis Laboratories are proficient in the use and interpretation of diagnostic tools and techniques. This policy is designed to maintain the highest standards of analytical accuracy and reliability in line with industry regulations including ISO 18436 best practices.


This policy applies to all employees involved in diagnostic activities within Oil Analysis Laboratories.


  1. To provide comprehensive training in diagnostic methods and technologies.
  2. To ensure accurate and reliable diagnostic results.
  3. To maintain compliance with industry standards and regulations.


Initial Training
  1. Training Modules: Employees must complete training modules covering the basics of diagnostics, including using specific diagnostic tools and software. This includes online learning modules of the ‘lubrication essentials course’ and exam, and additional engineering and engineering diagnostic courses as part of our training portal.
  2. Hands-On Sessions: Practical sessions should be conducted to provide hands-on experience with diagnostic software.
  3. Shadowing – All work for the first 100 samples, or until the trainee can diagnose that sample type with no additional trainer assistance, shall be shadowed and jointly diagnosed with a senior trainer.
Advanced Training
  1. Specialised Techniques: Advanced training should be provided for specialised diagnostic methods and “specials” tests that are not run routinely commonly referred to as coloured top tests.
  2. Case Studies: Use real-world case studies to enhance problem-solving skills in diagnostics. The team are encouraged during lighter work periods to review historical reports and turn on “hide diagnosis” mode to assess the sample and then re-reveal the diagnosis to check their own logic and diagnosis would be correct. These can also be used as part of a diagnostician’s continual professional development.
Ongoing Training
  1. Online Learning – as per our continuous learning policy, the diagnostician team are actively encouraged to keep up to date with new developments in the industry, changing limits etc to ensure the diagnosis OAL provide reflect the latest industry data.
Assessment and Certification
  1. Skill Assessment: Employees must pass a competency assessment exam before being allowed to diagnose unsupervised.
  2. Certification: Upon successful assessment, employees will receive a LearnOilAnalysis certificate on their success in both the public and internal training modules.

By adhering to this Diagnostics Training Policy, Oil Analysis Laboratories aims to maintain a highly skilled workforce capable of delivering accurate and reliable diagnostic results.

Policy last issued and owned by Mr. Cutler 5/10/2023. Latest version can always be found at Any other versions including paper copies are to be treated as uncontrolled.
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